Sunday, March 27, 2011


So, it happened. Our first bout, to be honest I thought I'd be shaking about to throw up everywhere but instead I was happy. We did this together. It was the most amazing feeling, we were finally in front of a HUGE crowd I think it was like 350-400 people and we put up an awesome fight.

My first scrimmage was at the end of February against Salisbury, and we got our butts whooped. We've never skated in packs that fast, and they really had that against us. We all left hurting and ready for our bout in March against them. We were killing practices, skating as a TEAM not as individuals. I really think Carnage and Abe really didn't want us to lose again so they pushed us to our limits and we owe everything to their coaching styles.

Last night it really happened, we were all in the best of moods. From the first jam I knew that this was ours, it was our house. We had it in the bag. Dinah Mo Humm jammed first and to watch the other girls get used to our floor reminded us of how hard we've all pushed ourselves to skate on such a slippery floor. The second jammer and our blockers were on point. I couldn't believe how we were playing. Holding the inside line, hitting HARD positional blocking when not even a month ago could we hold their jammer back without getting jacked up. We were on the dot and it really showed. I was the third jammer and I actually scored points, weeeee. I didn't jam a whole lot that night and it's honestly alright with me because I'm working on my lateral blocking at the moment and sitting on blockers is my new favorite. By the 5th or 6th jam Dinah one of our star jammers got really hurt, we're waiting to hear back but it's most likely a torn ACL. She couldn't skate the rest of the bout but we all love her and were skating for her!

By half time we were down 20 points. WHAT?! seriously, amazing. We rested up and got right back on the track this time out for blood. We were down two jammers because Little Red Riot Hood hurt her ankle and it was best if she blocked. All night Goodie, Bot, Dixon, Freckles, and Colleen were sitting on people not letting them control the pack which seriously they are so good at. We slowed their jammer down A LOT. Green Harlot was kicking ass! Power Jam here, 10-15 there, just messing everyone up and getting our score up FAST. One of Salisbury's most used jammers was ejected and it was neck and neck by the end it was any team's game.

We gave the kinda of bout that people pay to see. We lost by 13 points, THIRTEEN. We lost by 110 last month, that's fucking amazing. We're an amazing team only getting better. We love each other and we do everything to make things like last night possible. I have the best roller derby team ever, and I can't wait to see how awesome this season is for us.

Three River's Roller Derby<3Salisbury Roller Girls!

Make sure to get your tickets for our April 16th Bout!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


So you've decided to join a roller derby league, hell yeah! Good for you, now before you go out buying fishnets and dancing infront of your mirror to Joan Jett's Bad Reputation.. let's rewind back to that whole ROLLER DERBY part. You're about to join a FULL CONTACT sport. So if you'd like to keep those cute legs from breaking and bruising after your first week.. lets discuss gear.

All your money is going to be put into your pads and skates. There is no 'perfect' pads or 'perfect' skates it's all about you.

I own:
Triple 8 Wristsavers
187 Killer Elbow Pads
Smith Scabs (Leopard Print)
Triple 8 Sweatsaver Helmet
Shock Doctor Mouthguard
Riedell Cararra's
Atom Poison Wheels

Now so far it has taken me a few times to get this beautiful line up, and some wasted money. So choose wisely. Talk to a roller derby girl before going out and spending money. Remember knees are important in derby, you're constantly falling on them. Most drills are just you falling on them, so seriously spend the $50-60 on a nice pair.

Wrist guards- Make sure they fit correctly before purchasing, they should be snug but not hurting any part of your wrist bone. It should cover your ENTIRE wrist not just the center. And for the love of all things holy please make sure you're wearing it right. Wearing the hard part on the back of your hand is just going to catch your broken wrist and probably make it more painful.

Elbow pads- Once again, snug but not cutting off your circulation. I've had both slip on and just the velcro ones. The velcro ones will slide all around so it's best to get the ones that slid on in my opinion.

Knee pads- PLEASE don't be cheap when it comes to your knees. They deserve the best AKA Smith Scabs, 187's or Protec. There are other random good ones but it's best to follow what the majority of skaters have. You should feel like you're falling on pillows and not like your knees are hitting concrete.

Mouthguards- Mostly all are boil-n-bite unless you can go to your orthodontist and have them cast one for you. Which is pretty awesome but too expensive for me, even though I'd love to keep all my teeth. Shock Doctor has been good to me so far.

WHEELS i know nothing about wheels but I do however know that my Atom Poisons have made me move completely different and smoother since I switched from my stock wheels. But really does it get any worse than stock wheels??



Thursday, January 13, 2011

Not So Fresh-Meat

So it's been awhile since I've updated, mainly because I want everyone reading this to understand the difference one month makes.

My last blog update was in November, my first month of actually skating. So that month was a bunch of little accomplishments (t-stops, plow-stops, falling small..) while I still haven't mastered any of these skills I still know how to STOP at least. December was assessments, AH! I was so nervous, every time they'd call my name I'd fall, so I could only imagine what they were writing down. My first assessment went great, I couldn't believe the weight that lifted off my shoulders that night. Phase II was kind of rough night for me, my head wasn't really there, and while I didn't FAIL it still put me a bad mood. 3RRD head coach, Carnage, said it best, I should get pissed off and frustrated with myself but then I should step back and apply that energy into getting better. Roller derby is going to be A LOT of plateauing, but all I need to understand is that if I keep pushing myself I'm going to reach that next level and there is no going back.

But if you can understand October-November.. couldn't even stand up on skates, walking around and not digging with my crossovers. December - Passing assessments and really getting involved with every practice.

Now present time, it's January and I feel like a new person! I stepped on my skates a week and a half ago at practice, and I could feel it. I no longer was begging myself to please stay up don't fall infront of everyone. I was just standing up, leaning into turns, not slipping all over our "lovely????" sport court floor. Last Wednesday, I finally starting hitting people in scrimmages, while I haven't had my "shit, I just laid that bitch out" moment yet. I sure have the.. "wait did she just hit me... and I stayed up???!?!" moment. I have learned that while girls that came in after me and are kicking ass, skating comes natural to them they might have even skated as a kid. And my improvement is going to be steady, I'm not going to be the best jammer next month but who knows I might actually start knocking people down. I'm just happy to be apart of such a great team!

Last night was sort of a downer, but it's alright! I just need to focus the frustration into skating harder and faster. Our endurance timed laps have been the pain in my ass, it's 25 laps in 5 minutes and 5 laps in 1. While this is standard fresh meat procedure, it's also supposed to be after 90 days of skating with a league. I took this before in December and I'm proud to say.. while I shaved off 13 seconds off my original 5 minutes, I only shaved off one second on the one minute... 1:03.. really? So it's just frustrating. But, I'm going to get it. They have the girls registered for the scrimmage and I'm not one of them :/ but it's bittersweet because I'm SOOOOO proud of the girls who are! Our scrimmage is on January 23rd, in Hanover, PA. Can't wait!!

I'm hoping to be rostered for our first bout against the Salisbury roller girls on March 26th! Here's to another successful derbylife-changing month!!